Character design

Main Character design
Design process for The Anima Island's main character

Aku clothing exploration
Wardrobe for Akumarou's original character

Fungi epidemiologist
Fantasy creature design combining two unlikely themes

Faux Birdwing
Horror creature design based off the Birdwing butterflies

Rat hivemind
Horror creature design based off the "Rat King" phenomenon

Sisu redesign
My take on Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon, taking a closer resemblance to traditional naga depictions

Illustration & sketches

Illustrations done as commissions, personal work or fan art.

Illustrations done for voice talent in TV shows and videogames to bring to convention appearances to sign.

Sketch pages done for my Patreon supporters.

Graphic design


Poster for Ibercon, the Spanish furry convention.
The design was made so that it could be cropped into three different sizes: web size (full illustration), roll-up size (showing mostly the wolf character), and DIN-A size (shown to the right) for posters.

Poster for Summer Freak! 2022, a Spanish anime convention.
Original concept sketch VS finished poster.

Poster proposals for Winter Freak! 2023 a Spanish anime convention.
Thumbnail/concept sketches.

Posters for Espai Jove, a local children and teenager's activity centre, describing Winter 2024 activities.


Line illustrations for coffee cups.

Rendered illustrations with window for gummy bags.

Lineless illustrations for children's meat purée jars.

Toy design

QT Kitties

I was in charge of creating the QT Kitties' look from scratch! From the research stage to the first style tests, and from the first colored sketches to their final designs. I also created their cel-shaded illustrations and the mini stickers that come bundled with the toys.Inspired by blind boxes and dress-up dolls, QT Kitties are a brand of adorable flocked cat figures with fuzzy tails that each come with their own themed hats and accessories so that you can mix and match them as your collection grows. Their packaging can be repurposed to make a cat home!QT Kitties has now also expanded into other collections such as QT Kitties Rainbow, which I also designed!

QT Kitties


Although I participated in the Hamstars brand once their first line of products had already been released, I was able to propose some character design ideas for future iterations of the project, as well as work in illustrations for promotional material and packaging, and draw the stickers that come bundled with the toys!The Hamstars are a bunch of talented hamster girls that love music, fashion, hairstyles and accessories! You can sing and play with them by doing their makeup and playing with their hair - changing its color and hairdo, combing it and maybe even putting on some new accessories!


These two toylines aside, I have also worked on several project lines in the steps of research, conceptualization, prototyping and promotional art materials, but they unfortunately haven't been shown to the public yet, or have not received funding and thus have no plans for production.

Card art

I've been passionate about trading card game art for as long as I remember - being a fan of the Pokémon games ever since these creatures were just tiny pixel icons in a black and white screen, seeing detailed illustrations of the characters in settings and art styles so different from the games and TV show always felt so magical to me!Even though I haven't done any illustrations for any published card game just yet, I've done a handful of card illustrations for fanmade, indie and self-published projects, as well as illustration contests.

Picture by Àngel Ortuño Julià (@aojfoto.cat_pro)

Photo by AOJ

About me

Hello! My name is Carmen, but you can call me Siplick. I go by she/her and I'm an artist from '96 born and raised in the sunny city of Valencia (Spain) that's currently working as a freelancing artist.Ever since I was really young, I found so much joy in creating and bringing characters and stories to life through art - this led me to continue on learning and practicing, and eventually turning it into my job! My favourite things to create are, without a doubt, those related to animals and monsters in all shapes and sizes, inspired mostly by animation and videogames, and with a dash of folklore.I've delved in different art forms other than illustration, including plushmaking, costumes (mascots and cosplay), writing and even creating comics or short videogames, even though I've only done so for smaller projects, or on my own. However, I look forward to working with talented artists to create something big together!

Past work

Published work:
The Impact of Iwata (2024)
ISBN: 979-8989071401
Page illustration
Illustration: ConventionsEtc, Legacy Gaming
Toys: Tigerhead Toys, HappyLine Toys, Inoua, Th3rld World Studios
Graphic design: Vicky Foods (Dulcesol, BePlus, Hnos. Juan),
Consum, Mercadona, Packs4Pockets, Importaco,
local city halls, youth and commerce associations

Skills & experience

Illustration: Digital and traditional illustration in a range of styles
Character design: Silhouette and clothing iterations, turnarounds and splash art
Merchandise: Artwork, file prep, research and contact with manufacturers and inventory
Toy design : Investigation, choice of materials, manufacturing documents and prototyping
Graphic design: Social media graphics, layout work and pre-printing process
Sales: Online stores and in-person convention sales and booking
Adobe suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere
Others: Paint Tool SAI v.2, Procreate
Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (native) and Catalan (native)Organized, adaptable and comunicative.

I can be reached out via email at [email protected].



Zine pieces

I've participated in several zine projects in the past few years, both in mod/organizer positions, and as an artist creating cover, page, merch and extras art.

Zine history

The following is a list of all zines I've helped organize and participated in in the last few years.
Mod and cover artist positions appear in bold.

Zine titleTheme/FandomContributions
MineDai Zine (2025)Like a DragonMerch artist (guest)
YamaTomi Compilation (2024)Like a DragonFull project & distribution
CRAZY RAINBOW Colorbook (2024)One PieceLayout mod
Our Greatest Treasure (2023)PokémonPage artist
CHRONOSTASIS: a Ryuki zine (2023)AI: The Somnium FilesPage artist
Painted Picture: an Ignatz zine (2022)Fire Emblem: Three HousesCover, merch & extras artist
Year One: a 13SAR Anthology (2022)13 Sentinels: Aegis RimCover & extras artist
Honor & Dreams: a Zack zine (2022)Final Fantasy VIIPage, merch & extras artist
You are Not Alone (2022)Final Fantasy IXMerch, card & extras artist
MORHPOGENESIS (2022)Zero EscapePage & merch artist
Hoenn Winds (2022)PokémonCard & extras artist
PokéFood (2022)PokémonPage artist
A New Bloom: a Dedue zine (2021)Fire Emblem: Three HousesCover artist
The Anima Island: Prologue (2020)Original workFull project & distribution
PSYNCIN' IN THE ZaiNE (2020)AI: The Somnium FilesLayout mod, shipping & page artist
Fódlan Winds (2020)Pokémon x Fire EmblemPage & card artist
Radiant Scales Tarot Deck (2020)DragonsCard artist
CHERISHED: a DimiDue zine (2020)Fire Emblem: Three HousesPage artist
The Gentleman Approach (2019)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage & merch artist
Route One (2019)PokémonMerch & extras artist
JoJo's Fanzine Adventure (2019)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage artist
Equinox (2019)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage artist
Sarazinemai (2019)SarazanmaiPage artist
Calamarendar (2019)SplatoonMonth artist
CHECKMATE: a Chess zine (2018)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage & merch artist
JO☆CATS (2018)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage & merch artist
beLIEve (2018)DanganronpaPage artist
Great Days (2018)JoJo's Bizarre AdventurePage artist
ERASED Zine (2018)ERASEDPage artist
My Hero Colorbook (2017)My Hero AcademiaOrganizer, layout, page art & distribution
Heart to Heart! (2017)Pokémon x LoveLive!Page & merch artist
Your Affection: a SouYo zine (2017)Persona 4Page & merch artist
Persona 5 Arcana zine (2017)Persona 5Page artist
Fur à la Mode (2017)FurryPage artist
Z-FOOD! (2017)PokémonPage artist
Blueberry Mint (2017)Persona 3Page artist
Pipe Dreams (2017)VideogamesPage artist
MYOSOTIS: Thank you Zero Escape (2016)Zero EscapeOrganizer, layout, shipping, page & extras artist
Alolazine (2016)PokémonPage & extras artist
Stardust & Candy (2016)PokémonPage artist
PokéMyths and Legends (2013)PokémonPage artist


My passion project, The Anima Island

The Anima Island logo

The Anima Island is a science-fiction story that I've been developing since 2018, featuring characters that I created through my childhood and adolescence and that have evolved and adapted through time. It's the story about the animae, a strange anthropomorphic species that populate the island of Nima, and about the people that discover and befriend these new creatures.At first a full-on fantasy story about young children and their fated magical monster partners that travelled the world together to defeat evil, the project has since then taken a different, more down-to-earth tone and with a focus on character building and development, with a bit of mystery as a connecting thread.Being a passion project of mine, I only work on TAI when I'm not busy with something else, which unfortunately isn't very often. However, the general story outline is already written, with character profiles and select scenes being developed and expanded during my free time.

Related projects

The Anima Island: Prologue

An artbook containing a short comic, a map, character profiles and worldbuilding for The Anima Island's setting, story and characters. Originally funded via Verkami in April 2020 and published both in physical and digital format.

The Anima Island: Demo

A short, playable version of the first minutes of the game. Originally published in 2018; the art and writing are a bit outdated.Downloadable for free on Available for PC and iOS in English, Spanish and French.

The Anima Island: Coffee Time

A short dating-sim like game where you get to invite The Anima Island's characters to a coffee on Valentine's Day and spend a few minutes together.Downloadable for free on Available for PC and iOS in English and Spanish.

TAI logo

The Anima Island: Picrew

A character creator website where you can create your own anima character using different facial features, hairstyles and more.

Want to know more about The Anima Island? Check it out on social media!

Fursweets Studio

Fursweets Studio is a fursuit (mascot) making studio founded by Gurmy and Siplick in 2024.At the time of writing, our first project completed together as Fursweets Studio is Tara the green cat, a mini partial (head, paws and tail) which was sold at Eurofurence 28.Tara features a flexible TPU base with an NFC chip on her nose, fully lined neck and paws, silicone cast pawpads, magnetic eyelids and plenty of 3D printed accessories such as foldable glasses, earrings, snakebite piercings, a plush tongue and an accessory case!

We are currently working on more fursuit projects for upcoming conventions and commission openings!
We look forward to sharing them all with you in the near future.
Want to know more about Fursweets Studio? Check us out on social media!


Tabletop games

Starlight logo


A digital-only trading card game inspired by the abandoned Disney franchise Spectrobes. Features many of the creatures from the original games, with a focus on battling.Currently under development.Card art and gameplay brainstorming.

Clara Fantasia logo

Clara Fantasia

An indie tabletop RPG game developed by Sushi. Story-driven and focused on character growth, the campaign features many exciting adventures in the region of Pangulia, an archipelago inspired by many real-world cultures where characters wield elemental magic.Character art, maps and backgrounds.


The Anima Island

My passion project - a sci-fi visual novel game.Learn more about it here!

Magnect logo


A platforming game about two connecting magnetic robots. Done for the Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam 2021 under the theme "Joined Together".Backgrounds, concept art, 3D animation, graphic design.

Take Care logo

Take Care, Out There

A visual novel about the bond of two siblings learning to take care of each other. Done for the Extra Credits Game Jam 6 under the theme "Take Care".Character designs, sprite work, UI and graphic design.

My Patreon

My Patreon exists as a place to share my work free of the limits present in today's social media landscape. It allows me to share detailed posts with multiple pictures, as well as offer downloads and videos to supporters so that they can learn about my art process, see what projects I'm planning for the future, and maybe even read about my experiences with certain programs, art tools or conventions. And of course, it goes the other way around too - Patreon is the perfect place to ask for feedback and share opinions with people who follow my art.All in all, Patreon offers a level of interaction and nuance that has helped me greatly in the past few years, and I've been working hard to make the experience worthwile for all supporters! I take pride in the work I put into my Patreon and try to keep it as active and interesting as possible, creating posts and resources that I believe my supporters will enjoy reading about, and sharing that which I believe could be useful to other artists, too.

Sparkling icons, one of the reward types offered in the Celeste tier.

There's three different tiers in my Patreon: Coral
Oriented towards general fans - access to weekly art posts and high-res images.
Oriented towards people looking for art tutorials and resources - access to step-by-step posts, full-length video speedpaints, brushes, textures, and everything in the Coral tier.
Oriented towards people who are looking to get custom art - commission discounts, permanent availability and priority, custom art rewards, and everything in the Cinnabar and Coral tiers.
Some of my exclusive posts can also be purchased separately from a membership, so if you're only looking to access one of them without becoming a patron, that is also an option.Do any of these sound interesting? Feel free to join my Patreon here!

Tier rewards

PerkCoral tierCinnabar tierCeleste tier
Weekly art and update postsYesYesYes
Look at WIPs and future projectsYesYesYes
Access to exclusive reviewsYesYesYes
High-res images and wallpapersYesYesYes
10% off on all online store ordersYesYesYes
Exclusive Discord roleYesYesYes
PSDs, brushes and resources-YesYes
Step-by-step art and videos-YesYes
Full-length speedpaints-YesYes
Custom art rewards--Yes
Commission priority--Yes
15% off all commissions--Yes

Conventions & merch

I have been attending conventions as an art vendor since 2016, and have since then tabled at over 50 conventions in Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom!Selling my art in person is always a very fulfilling experience, as it allows me to interact with both old and new fans of my art, as well as show my work to a completely new audience. Hearing people's encouraging words and love for my work in person is always the most wonderful experience and that's one of the many reasons why I love visiting cons and wish to keep doing it for many years to come!

Table layouts

I do both single and double table layouts depending on the convention and available table space. Even though my display changes between cons to adapt to my current product availability, I always try to remain recognizable through my brand colors and characters.


I make stickers, prints, charms, standees and more types of merch using my art.
I love experimenting with different formats and materials for my merch and always try to make the most of it when I launch a new series or collection, which is why I don't usually reuse artwork for different merch.
The products I sell are either made at home with my studio equipment or outsourced to reliable companies.
I have merch available at different price points so that getting something from my booth is a viable option for all budgets. I sometimes also offer freebies, such as original character trading cards.

You can see the rest of my merch on my online store.

Upcoming conventions

These are the next conventions I'll be making an appearance at as an artist in 2025.
This table will be updated as I get confirmed for future cons.

Japan Weekend MadridFebruary 15-16thIFEMA Madrid (Spain)
IberconMay 1-4thRafaelHoteles Atocha, Madrid (Spain)
Japan Expo ParisJuly 3-6thParc des Expos, Villepinte (France)

Convention experience

The following is a list of all conventions I've attended as an artist across the years.


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan ExpoParisJuly
MCM Comic ConLondonMay
Japan WeekendValenciaMay


Local MarketAlmussafesDecember
Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
MCM Comic ConLondonOctober
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan ExpoParisJuly
MCM Comic ConLondonMay
Japan WeekendValenciaMay
Setmana JaponesaSuecaApril
Gran Túria GO!ValenciaApril
Salón del CómicValenciaMarch
Japan WeekendBarcelonaMarch
Japan WeekendMadridFebruary
MangetsuPort de SaguntFebruary


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan ExpoParisJuly
Japan WeekendValenciaMay
Salón del MangaAlicanteApril
Japan WeekendBarcelonaMarch
Japan WeekendMadridFebruary
MangetsuPort de SaguntFebruary


Argentina FurFiestaOnlineNovember


Japan WeekendBarcelonaMarch
Japan WeekendMadridFebruary


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan ExpoParisJuly
Japan WeekendValenciaMay
Japan WeekendBarcelonaMarch
Japan WeekendMadridFebruary


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan ExpoParisJuly
Japan WeekendValenciaMay
Japan WeekendBarcelonaMarch
Japan WeekendMadridFebruary


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember
Japan WeekendMadridSeptember
Japan WeekendValenciaMay


Japan WeekendValenciaNovember


Are you looking for a customized artwork of your characters and concepts?
I offer a variety of commission types and will be happy to bring your ideas to life.
Commission form (currently closed)
Terms of Service (WIP) | Current "to-do" list
Contact: [email protected]
The prices listed below are for personal use commissions only.
If you'd like to commission me for a commercial project or work under different terms,
I am open to discuss it further - please contact me via email with more information!

Currently under construction!

Please check my old website for examples and pricing!


I am in office from Monday to Friday and will be available from 9am to 5pm.
I am in the CET timezone (UTC+1), or CEST during Summer (UTC+2).
My preferred method of contact for work and projects is email.
You can find me at [email protected].